Design System
Visual Identity
Website Tools
FIL City Brands
Selecting typefaces for FIL City brands
Type thesis
FIL City typefaces should be bold and clean but characterful. Each brand typically uses two typefaces—a more characterful display font and a more legible body font. What’s most important is that the typography has a meaningful connection to the end location. Don’t worry if your type choice feels very similar to ther FIL City brands—this is an area where subtle differences can create a strong impact throughout the brand.
The Foundation’s preference is to use Sans Serif fonts for both display and body, and with a preference for Suisse Int’l
(the brand typeface of Filecoin) as the body font.
Localized Type Samples
Example Type Theses
Wix MadeFor Display
was chosen for it’s connection to French typographic styles and similarity to Futura
, as well as its distinctive feature of low crossbars. This unique characteristic, often found in French typefaces, adds a touch of sophistication and visual interest to the design. The combination of its elegant form, geometric precision, and low crossbars makes Wix MadeFor Display
a versatile typeface with a contemporary yet timeless appeal.
The Lato
font family was inspired by Hong Kong’s unique typographic history. As a bilingual city with strong connections to the United Kingdom, street signs are often found in both Chinese and Latin scripts - with the Latin characters often bearing British typographic heritage. Lato
was chosen for it’s visual connection to typefaces like Gill Sans
or Raleway
, but with a little more character as befitting a vibrant city like Hong Kong.
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