Design System
Visual Identity
Website Tools
FIL City Brands
Webflow Template
Using Filecoin Foundation’s webflow template to create your FIL City website.
The Filecoin Foundation uses a no-code platform called Webflow to design our FIL City event websites. There is no requirement to use the same platform as Filecoin Foundation, but we make our work available to anyone who wants to use it.
FIL-City Template Usage
The FIL City template defaults to an unbranded Save The Date page. This can be updated with the relevant information for the event, and published immediately.
The FIL City template can be branded using the ‘Style Guide’ page. Each element on this page is connected by classes to design elements on every page. By making changes on this style guide, the prebuilt templates throughout the site will be updated.
There are various pre-built sections included in the template. These can be updated and copied individually to the home page. Sections include:
- Header
- About
- Events
- Speakers
- Schedule
- Venues
- Sponsors
Template In Use
To see the template in use, please visit one of our existing FIL City websites:
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